Getting a credit card for your small business is a smart idea, but you don’t want to end up with one more complicated product to manage. If you value simplicity, and flexibility, then the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from AMEX is the perfect fit. Earn $250 when you spend $5000 in 6 months. With this card you will be able to earn serious cash back at retailers that businesses use frequently, and you will even be able to choose one of your bonus rewards categories.
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Choice – One of the most exciting features of the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from AMEX is that it allows users to decide where they want to earn 3% cash back.
Flexibility – Businesses change and grow over time, so it is helpful to have a credit card that will evolve with it. The SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from AMEX provides the opportunity to switch your bonus 3% rewards categories once each year between Dec. 1 and Jan. 31.
Simplicity – The last thing a small business owner needs is a complicated credit card to keep track of. With the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from AMEX, then this isn’t a concern. Your cash back will automatically credited to your accounts, and there is no need to count points or figure out a strategy to redeem rewards for the best value.
Limits on bonus cash back – The 1% cash back earn rate on all purchases may be unlimited, but there is a $25,000 spending cap on bonus rewards categories.
Preset spending limit – Many small business owners turn to credit cards from AMEX because they like the flexibility of a charge card, which has no preset spending limit.
Short promotional period – There is a introductory period on purchases and balance transfers. You will get 0% on purchases for 9 months, and then the ongoing APR of 12.49% – 19.49% Variable.
Who Should Apply:
- Small business owners who spend a lot on office supplies and wireless phone services.
- Small business owners who want to be able to choose where they’ll earn bonus cash back.
- Small business owners who want the ability to roll a balance from month to month.
Who Should Pass:
- Small business owners who frequently travel internationally.
- Small business owners looking for a long 0% introductory APR
- Small business owners who want a card without a preset spending limit
Reasons Why You’ll Enjoy This Card
The SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card from AMEX is a great fit for entrepreneurs interest in a solid cash-back credit card for their business’s spending needs. Between its flexible bonus rewards categories, the features that come with AMEX open, and its cost-effective annual fee. we recommend signing up today! If this card isn’t for you, then check out our full list of credit card bonus promotions.
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