Lots of expenditures go towards gas and groceries. It’s easy to rack up hundreds of dollars spending on yourself, but if you’re purchasing groceries for not only for yourself, it could even get up into the thousands.
Luckily, the American Express Blue Cash Card is the perfect solution. At a $0 annual fee, the card offers 3% cash back rate on U.S. Supermarkets on up to $6,000 per year! In addition, purchases made at gas stations receive a competitive 2% cash back as well as select U.S. department stores.
Overall, the Blue Cash Card offer great cash back rates on every spending, but if you sign up using our referral link, you’ll get a chance to earn a $200 referral bonus! Simply meet the spending requirement and you’ll qualify for their bonus!
Basic Features
- Cash Back:
- 3% back at U.S. supermarkets on up to $6,000 spent per year (then 1%)
- 2% back at U.S. gas stations and select U.S. department stores
- 1% back on all other purchases
- Annual fee: $0
- Introductory bonus: $150 statement credit after you spend $1,000 in purchases on your new Card within the first 3 months. Terms Apply.
- Interest rate: 0% on Purchases and Balance Transfers for 15 months, and then the ongoing APR of 14.99% – 25.99% Variable APR
Supermarket Rewards
The card offers a 3% cashback rate on US supermarkets. Receiving the cash back basically means getting a discount on all household purchases. Over time it all adds up taking off a good portion of costs on household purchases. Unfortunately, this rate does not apply to wholesale stores like Sam’s Club and Costco. Supermarkets like Target and Walmart will work though.
The 3% cash back rate has a cap of $6,000, which comes out to $180 that can be earned. One making purchases for themselves shouldn’t exceed this cap. However a family could easily exceed this cap. On average a family will spend around $5,800 a year on groceries alone leaving other household purchases unable to receive any cashback.
Gasoline Reward
A 2% cash-back rate at U.S. gas stations and select U.S. department stores is double the mundane 1% that many cards offer, although it’s not as special as it was just a few years ago.
However, restrictions still apply to these rewards too:
- Higher gas rates only apply to stand alone gas stations. This means gas stations from Costco, Walmart, etc. won’t apply to these rates.
- Elevated rewards for department stores apply only at named merchants, although the list includes most of the largest national department store chains, including Macy’s, Kohl’s and Sears. American Express has a list detailing all the qualifying stores.
Your Bonus
Customers applying for a new card through our referral link get a chance to earn the $200 referral bonus! In comparison, customers who apply for a new card will only receive a $150 bonus after meeting the spending requirement of $1,000 in the first 90 days of account opening.
Bottom Line
The American Express Blue Cash Card offers excellent cash-back rates that can match your needs. At a rate of 3% cashback from U.S. Supermarkets and an annual fee of $0, this card gives a great bang for its buck. In addition the 2% cashback rate from gas stations can help gap your spending and budgeting for gas.
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