For those that are looking for a good rewards credit card for everyday spending, then you are probably finding yourself lost in a sea of bonus category comparisons and cash-back rates. This has all changed, with the Amex EveryDay® Preferred Credit Card from American Express, you get potentially stellar reward rates without worrying about a quarterly bonus. Earn 15K Membership Rewards® Points when you spend $1,000 in 3 months. Earn 3 points for every dollar spent at U.S. stand-alone grocery stores, earn 2 points for every dollar spent at U.S. standalone gas station, and earn 1 membership rewards point on all other purchases! Earn a 50% points bonus on all purchases when you reach at least 30 transactions in a billing cycle. There is not much to complain when it comes to the Amex EveryDay Credit Card from AMEX, with a solid rewards rate and a bonus for using the card frequently, this card has a lot to offer to the everyday spender, plus it has an annual fee of $0.
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Bonus – Earn 15k Membership Rewards Points when you spend $1,000 in 3 months.
High Rewards Rates – With the Amex EveryDay® Preferred Credit Card from American Express, you will get more back on gas and groceries, and you’re eligible for a much higher points bonus if you make at least 30 purchases in a billing cycle.
Low Rewards Rates on Gas Purchases – For some people, family life includes a lot of driving. Then this card might not be for you.
If you prefer simplicity – There’s a lot to be said for the Amex Membership Rewards Program, but redeeming points for gift cards or travel might not be your style.
Who Should Apply:
- Anyone who uses their credit card frequently.
- Anyone that spends a lot on groceries.
- Anyone that wants a variety when it comes to redeeming rewards.
- Anyone that doesn’t want the hassle of dealing with rotating bonus categories.
Who Should Pass:
- Anyone that spends a lot on dining and travel.
- Someone who wants the flexibility of cash-back rewards.
- Someone that doesn’t use their credit card very often.
Reasons Why You’ll Enjoy This Card
The Amex EveryDay® Preferred Credit Card from American Express is a great card for those that spend a lot on groceries and do not want to deal with rotating bonus categories. This card has a solid rewards rate and bonus for using the card frequently and is a great card for the everyday spender. Earn 15K Membership Rewards® Points when you spend $1,000 in 3 months. Plus there is an annual fee of $0 which is one of the best parts! If you like to have a lot of rewards redemption options, as opposed to being pigeonholed into just one program, this card is a good choice. If you’re interested only in a very specific type of credit card reward, you should be sure to investigate all your options before committing to The Amex EveryDay® Credit Card from American Express. So sign up today and enjoy all of the benefits that this card has to offer! If this card isn’t for you, then check out our full list of credit card bonus promotions.